Few things are more rewarding than camping in the backcountry with family and friends, and roof top tents are a great way to set up camp in a hurry. The Smittybilt Overlander XL Roof Top Tent, which sleeps up to four, offers the versatility of being able to camp anywhere your truck or jeep can take you. One man operation allows it to fold out in seconds to full height so you don't have to mess around with tent pegs and ropes like normal ground tents. Each tent has waterproof construction, mesh windows for ventilation, and a wide aluminum ladder as standard features. Smittybilt Overlander Tent is designed to mount easily on your stock roof rack system or on an aftermarket rack / crossbar system. The tent weighs only 118 Ibs, so it can be mounted to most roof rack systems. Generally, most OE roofs racks will have a capacity of 100 to 200 pounds while vehicle is in motion (dynamic rating). However, when the vehicle is parked and you are utilizing your Smittybilt Overlander Tent, you are applying a static load which is easier to support and most rack systems can generally handle this static load with ease